Embark on an adventure like no other with our Swinging Bridge and Ball Pool game! Picture yourself navigating a suspended bridge that sways and swings as you cross it. Your heart races with each step as you test your balance and courage, surrounded by a world of excitement.

But the thrills don't stop there. As you make your way across the bridge, you'll arrive at a captivating Ball Pool. Dive into a sea of colorful balls that engulf you in a sensory delight. It's like jumping into a rainbow-filled oasis, where you can let loose, play, and feel the joy of being immersed in a playful wonderland.

This unique combination of a daring bridge and a vibrant ball pool creates an experience that's equal parts exhilarating and enchanting. So, take the leap, challenge your senses, and relish the magic of our Swinging Bridge and Ball Pool game!


  • Follow Safety Guidelines: Always adhere to any posted safety guidelines and instructions provided by the operator or venue.
  • Wear Suitable Attire: Dress comfortably and appropriately for the activity, considering weather conditions and any specific recommendations.
  • Use Proper Equipment: If any safety equipment or gear is required, make sure to use it correctly. This might include harnesses, helmets, or other protective gear.
  • Mind Your Step: Be mindful of your footing and take slow, deliberate steps when walking on a swinging bridge. Hold onto handrails if available.
  • Stay Hydrated: Depending on the location and duration of the activity, it's essential to stay hydrated. Bring water with you if needed.
  • Observe Weight Limits: If there are weight limits for the bridge or Super Bounce, make sure you adhere to them to ensure your safety.
  • Listen to Instructions: Pay attention to any instructions given by staff or guides, especially regarding how to use Super Bounce equipment.
  • Know Your Limits: Be aware of your physical abilities and comfort level. Don't push yourself beyond what you are comfortable with.


  • Don't Rush: Avoid rushing or running on a swinging bridge or Super Bounce platform. Move slowly and carefully to maintain your balance.
  • Don't Ignore Safety Signs: Disregarding warning signs or safety restrictions can put you and others at risk.
  • Don't Overload: If the swinging bridge has a weight limit, do not exceed it. Overloading can compromise safety.
  • Don't Take Risks: Avoid attempting stunts or risky maneuvers that are not recommended by the operator.
  • Don't Disturb Others: Respect the experience of others by not causing unnecessary disruptions or distractions.
  • Don't Forget Personal Items: Secure loose items such as phones, wallets, or hats to prevent them from falling.
  • Don't Panic: If you feel nervous or scared, try to stay calm. Panicking can make the experience more challenging.


  • Don't push
  • Only one person per attempt.
  • Don't attempt after having food.
  • Be gentle with junior jumpers.
  • Be careful you may fall.
  • Don't hang on to the Bridge.
  • Always be cautious around the people.
  • Don't jump on to the people inside the ball pit.
  • Be careful while moving below the Swinging bridge.


Click here to learn more about the SuperBounce .